Tuesday, November 15, 2005

On 12 November 2005, the DVD of Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith was released in 1-Utama. There was this roadshow there and various people dressed up as Star Wars characters were there. The costumes worn there were "SELF-MADE", asked them myself. Hats off to you guys! I really like the one 'Anakin Skywalker' was wearing. The lightsabers there look cool too, especially the blue one.

From left: Anakin Skywalker, Darth Maul, Emperor's Red Guard, Darth Vader, Pregnant Padme, Random Jedi (Luke??), and Master Plo-Koon.

Needless to say, I was there and even purchased the ORIGINAL DVD. 2-DVDs for RM70 wasn't so bad, PLUS the fact that I had a free (big) poster and many other goodies too from the quiz that was held. Staff from Canon were there to take photographs and print it there and then.

Before I left, the roadshow staff mistook me for the press (possibly because I was holding those bulky-type cameras) and told me "Please come in and join us for refreshments." I thought "Wow! This is so cool." and made my way in. Then I saw the room where the refreshments was served and saw all the people in their costumes and other staff, so I knew it was a mistake.

To end it all - Darth Vader RULES!


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