Wednesday, March 01, 2006

After a few days, I finally decided to indulge myself and get the Master Replicas Mini Lightsaber (.45 Scale). I plan to get ten of them and here's what I have in mind:

1. Anakin ROTS (bought)
2. Obi Wan ROTS (ordered)
3. Darth Vader ROTS (ordered)
4. Count Dooku ROTS (ordered)
5. Master Yoda ROTS(bought)
6. Darth Sidious ROTS (bought)
7. Mace Windu AOTC (ordered)
8. Darth Maul TPM (bought)
9. Luke Skywalker ROTJ (ordered)
10. Qui-Gon Jinn TPM (ordered)

ROTS = Revenge of the Sith
AOTC = Attack of the Clones
TPM = The Phantom Menace
ROTJ = Return of the Jedi

So I currently have four of them at the moment. When I see the pictures of the mini scaled ones on the internet, I thought the size was pathetic. But after I got my hands on them, I take it back, I think they are awesome. The quality is good, it feels solid and very heavy for something so small. And I got all this at a price of $399 for all ten.

One reason I decided to go for the minis is because they are cheaper than the full scaled replicas (which cost $375 each!). The cheaper Collector Editions (CE's) are also full scale replicas, but is cheaper ($199) so that the more common folk will get their chance to collect these stuff. But the material used in CE's are not as good in quality as the Limited Editions (LE) and the Mini.

For all you know, I might even start a collection of Collector Edition Lightsabers! Just a thought...


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